
A series of interviews led by Jonathan Hunter, Director of Embracing Life Ministries. Causal conversation with invited guests, covering a variety of topics from a Christian perspective.

Jonathan sits down with longtime friend, Glenys Brookbanks, a renowned artist and exhibiting painter in New Zealand. She has also been a pioneer leader in relational healing groups in New Zealand. 

 Glenys and her husband Warren live in close community with their adult family in Auckland, New Zealand. She has led many Embracing Life groups as well as those of Desert Stream Ministries over several decades. Her passion for Jesus, the Cross and the Church is abundant in her teaching.

She is a co-author, along with Jonathan and Andrea Hunter, on the upcoming book, More Power! Understanding and Experiencing the Cross.  

Jonathan Hunter with Shannon Brooks and Cassie Erickson

Jonathan has a conversation with guests Shannon Brooks and Cassie Erickson. Both women serve as directors of discipleship programs at The Dream Center, in Los Angeles, California which provides support to those affected by homelessness, addiction, hunger and lack of education through residential and community outreach programs.

 Cassie and Shannon share what brought them to The Dream Center and go on describe its ever-expanding outreach as more Dream Centers are established throughout the U.S. and around the world. Co-founded by Pastor Matthew Barnett in the mid-1990’s, The Dream Center currently helps tens of thousands, each week, through various ministries and outreach programs.

 Web Site:  Transforming Lives (dreamcenter.org)

Jonathan Hunter